Wednesday 30 January 2013


Google Adsense is the best way to make money online through your blog or website.
Google Adsense has great features, you easily manage and track your ads, and you can always discover new things that may help you to earn more money online through your website.
In this guide I will explain to you how to deal with your Google Adsense account.

Let’s start…
What is Page CTR, Page eCPM, Page impressions and click?
Page impressions: How many times your page has viewed.
Page CTR, Click Through Rate: Page CTR is the number of clicks received by an ad unit divided by the total number of ad unit impressions for that ad unit, the higher Page CTR you have means that you can receive more clicks so you can earn more money.

Clicks: Means how many people have clicked on your ad unit.
eCPM: Means Cost-Per-Thousand (click here to learn more about eCPM.)
What are Channels in Google Adsense?

By using Channels in Google Adsense, you can track your Ads units, and you can get information about Page CTR, Page eCPM, Clicks and Page impressions for every channel.

Channels can help you to figure out your most clickable ads and also can help you to figure out the best position of your ads.
For example: you have an ad unit under the title of your posts and you have a channel for this ad unit which called “Ad unit under the title” and you have also an ad unit under the content of your posts and you have also a channel for this ad which called “Ad unit under the content”, so this will help you to study more your ads within your posts and will help you to decide to make some changes on your ads to or not to receive more clicks.

There are two types of channels in Google Adsense:
1) Custom Channels: This type of channels is only to track your ads that are on your website, this is not for a specific page.

2) URLs Channels: This type of channels is for a specific URL or page and it’s for the revenue sharing sites.
How to create a Google ad unit? How to create channel for my ad unit in Google Adsense?
First, sign in to your Google Adsense account and follow the instructions below.
After you sign in to your Google Adsense account click on “Adsense Setup” from the dashboard.
Adsense Setup screenshot:
Now choose what type of ads you want to display in your website.
1) Adsense for Content: You can put in your website an ad link unit or an ad unit for content.
2) Adsense for Search: You can put in your website a search bar to allow the visitors to search for content in you website and in the search results page there are an ads that you can earn money from.
3) Adsense for Feeds: You can put ads in your Feedburner feeds page.
4) Adsense for Domains: You can put ads in your Parked domains.

Now choose “Adsense for content” to create an ad unit.

After you click on “Adsense for content” then you will be asked to choose what type of ads you want to display.

How to create an ad unit screenshot 1:

If you want to display an Ad unit for content in you website choose “Ad unit” option, and if you want to display a Link unit ad in your website choose “Link Unit” option.

Note: When you choose “Ad unit” pay attention to decide what type of ads you want to display (Images ads or Text ads, or both of them).
Choose “Ad unit” option and then click on Continue.

After you click on continue then you will be taken to the Ad units setup page.
How to create an ad unit screenshot 2:

1) Ad Formats: Click here to see all the formats of the “Ad units for content” ads (Text and images ads).
2) Choose here the format of the ad unit that you want to display in your website.
3) Change here the colors of your ad unit, make the ad unit beautiful and attractive.
4) After you finish all the steps above click on “Continue”.

After you click on Continue you will be taken to the Channels page.

How to create a channel for an Ad unit screenshot:

1) Click on “Add new channel” to create a channel for your Ad unit.
2) Give the new channel a name (e.g. Home page banner ad) and then click on “OK”.
3) Now click on “Continue”.

After you create the new channel and after you click on continue, then you will be taken to the last step page.

The last step to create an Ad screenshot:

Click on “Submit and Get Code” then copy your new Ad unit code and paste the code in your website where you want to display the ad.

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